I haven't been on here for a few years, to be quite honest I had forgotten all about my blog. I'm very shocked to see all the views I have had on this blog and am very happy for all the lovely messages from people. I thought I would update my blog to let people know how I have got on....
From having my son Alex in 2008 we couldn't be happier, we felt very lucky indeed. By 2010 we decided we would like to try for another baby so I came off my contraceptive pill (I was taking Dianette for my PCOS which does help all PCOS symptoms). I was still taking Metformin (to help me ovulate) so I knew I had a good chance of getting pregnant I just didn't know how long it would take. This time I didn't get myself so worried about not getting pregnant straight away as I knew I could get pregnant with having Alex and I knew that getting worked up would only delay the process longer. It did take a long time but in March 2012 I found out I was pregnant again, we were so happy that it had finally happened. My pregnancy went well and again I took the Metformin for the first 12 weeks of pregnancy and on 12 December 2012 we had a healthy baby girl by caesarian section. Isabella is now 5 months old and she is gorgeous. We know we are very lucky to have our 2 beautiful children and it has taken a lot of time and worrying to have them but I just want people to know it is possible. I know they'll be some people out there who are at there wits end thinking it will never happen, but with the right treatment and the right consultants it can happen. Don't be fobbed off by GP's and Consultants, if you aren't happy with the treatment you are getting say something and demand to be seen by someone else, GP's and Cons don't always know best!
I would like to thank Mr Trehan for all the help because without him we definitely wouldn't have our 2 children who are truly the best things that have every happened to us!
You can access Mr Trehan's website on the link below: